Spine Infection

Spinal infections can be caused by either a bacterial or a fungal infection in another part of the body that has been carried into the spine through the bloodstream. The most common source of spinal infections is a bacterium called staphylococcus aureus, followed by Escherichia coli.

Spinal infections may occur after a urological procedure, because the veins in the lower spine come up through the pelvis. The most common area of the spine affected is the lumbar region. Intravenous drug abusers are more prone to infections affecting the cervical region. Recent dental procedures increase the risk of spinal infections, as bacteria that may be introduced into the bloodstream during the procedure can travel to the spine

Intervertebral disc space infections probably begin in one of the contiguous end plates, and the disc is infected secondarily. In children, there is some controversy as to the origin.

Please get in touch with one of the best Experienced Spine Surgeon in India, Dr. Pinkal Thakkar and Book your Appointment Today.

Dr. Pinkal Thakkar

Dr. Pinkal Thakkar

Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon

Dr. Pinkal Thakkar is Consultant Spine Surgeon at Tricolor Hospitals, Baroda. He specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery, endoscopic spine surgery and expertise in Pain Management. He Is the pioneer Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Endoscopic Spine Surgery in India. He has done extensive research in field of spine surgery and published many articles and book chapters in international spine journals.
